Teapot Club
Tudo o que precisas para a fluência num bule de chá gigante
Inscrições Abertas

A diferença que uma letra faz


A Língua Inglesa adora simplificar, e de tanto simplificar acaba por complicar. Isso já não é novidade, ora pois, e facilmente se percebe ao passar por uma das nossas categorias preferidas, fake friends or lovers?

Uma das coisas que mais me fascina nestas confusões do Inglês e que dá imensa piada à Língua (para mim, claro, que vejo comédia em tudo) é poder pegar numa palavra, mudar-lhe APENAS uma letra e pronto: temos uma palavra completamente diferente, que nada tem a ver com a outra. Como quem muda APENAS os sapatos de um outfit e altera completamente o grau de formalidade. Não é espectacular? Não?!

Pois. A verdade é que isto não tem assim tanta piada para quem está a aprender uma Língua estrangeira e pode tornar-se um pequeno pesadelo quando chega a hora de compreender, falar ou escrever.

Partilhamos aqui 23 dos milhares (?) de casos em que uma letra faz toda a diferença em Inglês. Esperamos que, tal como nós, vocês possam também encontrar a magia que existe na Língua Inglesa.


Bad is an adjective and it means “Mau”

Bed is a noun and it means “Cama”

Bid is a noun and it means “Licitação”

Bud is a noun and it means “Botão de flor”


Bat is a noun and it means “Morcego”

Bet is a verb or a noun and it means “Apostar” or “Aposta”

Bit is a noun and it means “Bocado”

But is a conjunction and it means “Mas”


Bear is a noun that means “Urso” and is a verb that means “Suportar”

Beer is a noun and it means “Cerveja” (do you remember?)


Bland is an adjective and it means “Insípido”

Blend is a noun and it means “Mistura”

Blind is an adjective and it means “Cego”

Blond is an adjective and it means “Loiro(a)”


Blank is an adjective and it means “Vazio” or “Em branco”

Blink is a verb and it means “Piscar”


Boast is a verb and it means “Gabar-se”

Boost is a verb and it means “Aumentar”


Bake is a verb and it means “Assar/ Cozer no forno”

Fake is an adjective that means “Falso” or a verb that means “Fingir/Falsificar”

Make is a verb that means “Fazer”

Take is a verb that means “Tomar”, “Pegar” and so many other things


Bull is a noun and it means “Touro”

Pull is a verb and it means “Puxar”


Chip is a noun and it means “Fragmento” ou “Batata frita”

Ship is a noun and it means “Navio”


Fan is a noun and it means “Ventoinha”

Fen is a noun and it means “Pântano”

Fin is a noun and it means “Barbatana”

Fun is an adjective or a noun and it means “Divertido” or “Diversão”


Fat is an adjective and it means “Gordo(a)”

Fit is an adjective that means “Em forma” or a verb that means “Encaixar”


Hat is a noun and it means “Chapéu”

Hit is a verb and it means “Bater”

Hot is an adjective and it means “Quente”

Hut is a noun and it means “Cabana”


Near is an adjective and it means “Próximo”

Neat is an adjective and it means “Arrumado”


Man is a singular noun and it means “Homem”

Men is a plural noun and it means “Homens”


Pat is a verb and it means “Palmadinha”

Pet is a noun and it means “Mascote” or “Animal de estimação”

Pit is a noun and it means “Poço” or “Buraco”

Pot is a noun and it means “Vaso” or “Panela”

Put is a verb and it means “Colocar”


Poll is a noun and it means “Votação”

Pool is a noun and it means “Piscina”


Sea is a noun and it means “Mar” (it reminds us of this)

See is a verb and it means “Ver”


Slice is a noun and it means “Fatia”

Slick is an adjective and it means “Suave” or “Polido”


Strike is a noun and it means “Greve” or “Golpe”

Stroke is a noun and it means “Derrame” or “Pancada”


String is a noun and it means “Corda”

Strong is an adjective and it means “Forte”


String is a noun and it means “Corda”

Spring is a noun and it means “Primavera”


Tap is a noun that means “Torneira” or a verb that means “Bater de leve”

Tip is a noun and it means “Ponta”, “Dica” or “Gorjeta”

Top is a noun that means “Topo” or an adjective that means “Alto”


Warn is a verb and it means “Alertar/Avisar”

Worn is an adjective and it means “Usado”


And the list could go on and on and on…

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