…if you use American English. Or valour, if you use British.
Remember valorous is not “valioso” in Portuguese? Well, “valor” (in English) is not exactly “valor” (in Portuguese) either, so they are false friends wanting to be lovers.
…if you use American English. Or valour, if you use British.
Remember valorous is not “valioso” in Portuguese? Well, “valor” (in English) is not exactly “valor” (in Portuguese) either, so they are false friends wanting to be lovers.
bet·ter·ment (bĕt′ər-mənt, bɛtəmənt) noun. 1. a change for the better;
de·clut·ter (diːˈklʌtə) verb. 1.
con·sis·ten·cy (kən-sĭs′tən-sē) noun. 1. agreement, accordance, or harmony between parts; compatibility
mis·take (mĭ-stāk′ or mɪˈsteɪk) noun.
Qual é o teu estilo
Todos os meses uma palavra nova, numa mensagem nossa, como um sussurro ao ouvido.