Teapot Club
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light (laɪt) noun.  electromagnetic radiation of any frequency or wavelength, sometimes visible by the normal human eye verb. 1. to set on fire; to ignite or burn 2. to emit light; to become luminous 3. to provide, cover, or fill with light; to illuminate adjective. 1. characterised by or filled with light; bright 2. not dark in colour 3. having a greater degree of lightness; not heavy luz • iluminar • leve I thought of August and wished to talk about lightness. But […]

Invitation to a party

by Paula Ramos Celebration of the Rain   Our country is in drought. Water is important for agriculture and for all sectors of the economy. Tomorrow, November 1st, it is going to rain. Although it is the day to pay homage to those who are no longer among us, I propose that we remember them […]

Our feelings

By Paula Ramos They say the Portuguese are a peaceful people and I believe so, because this year we have been put to the test in some situations. At the beginning of the year, we followed on TV a conflicting situation between taxi drivers. We saw nervous and angry men arguing and a very uptight police force. I […]

The Box

By Paula Ramos Since the box had arrived it remained in the hall for months. I loved my grandmother and didn’t feel prepared to open her mushy box. Yesterday, I decided to open it and what a lovely surprise! Family photos. Wedding and birthday parties, Christmas and Easter parties. Many travel photos and lots of […]

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