Teapot Club
Tudo o que precisas para a fluência num bule de chá gigante
Inscrições Abertas

The Most Beautiful Word

Se abriu este post à procura da resposta, lamentamos: também não a temos, ainda. Mas andamos à procura dela: a Palavra mais Bonita do Mundo… em Inglês. No TEA somos fascinados por 3 coisas: Inglês, pessoas e palavras. O chá? Bem, esse não conta, já é vício e faz parte de nós. No início do ano, resoluções à parte, queremos desejar o melhor do […]

Heading south

Sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the time passing by like a cargo ship heading south, there he was – as always – wishing for something to change. – It’s heading south, he mumbled. – I can only imagine what kind of load it carries. So many different people, so many different stories in the […]

What we’ve got

If we’ve got a home, if we’ve got shoes. If we’ve got love, if we’ve got schooling. If we’ve got souls, if we’ve got friendship – we’ve got it all! What we have is life. Nina Simone’s anthem to happiness is a beautiful lesson on how to appreciate our true blessings. When we pick ourselves […]

Life on a boat

Someone told me a smooth sea doesn’t make a skillful sailor. Well, I do not like sailing! The mere thought of it just gives me the shivers. I guess my seasickness comes from the difficult struggle of navigating in a life of challenges. We all should learn how to sail, really. To face the waves […]

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