Teapot Club
Tudo o que precisas para a fluência num bule de chá gigante
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Mute / Unmute

mute (myo͞ot or mjuːt) noun. 1. To silence or soften the sound of. 2. To soften the tone, colour, shade, or hue of.   si·len·ci·ar Mute é uma daquelas palavras que, por nos parecer intraduzível, acabamos quase sempre por manter no original. Por pura preguiça, é verdade, mas talvez também pelo medo do seu contrário: unmute. O que raio será unmute em Português: dessilenciar? Enfim… Mute/Unmute. Deves conhecer […]

Suspension point

sus·pen·sion point (səˈspɛnʃən pɔɪnt) noun. One of a series of dots, usually three, used to indicate an incomplete statement or the omission of a word or words from a written text.   re·ti·cên·cia Like the last scene of a movie that kept you grabbed to the screen for the past two hours, for you to […]


un·plug (ʌnˈplʌg) verb. 1. to remove an electric plug from an outlet 2. to free from an obstruction 3. to disconnect (an appliance, a telephone, etc.) by removing a plug 4. v.i. to become unplugged   des·co·nec·tar Don’t you ever feel compelled to be permanently connected, as in fulfilling a duty? Then, with disconnecting, your hands start shaking, your heart speeds up and your mind just can’t stop. Don’t you persistently have this uncontrollable urge to be […]


bri·lho (‘bɾiʎu) substantivo. 1. fulgor ou luz que um corpo emite ou reflecte 2. esplendor; magnificência 3. vivacidade 4. o que impressiona positivamente glow How to say brilho in English? A few years ago I wrote about this, regarding the type of brilho talent has. This is one of those rare situations in which Portuguese seems to be way simpler than English. Why is it so hard? The challenge […]

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