Mute / Unmute

mute (myo͞ot or mjuːt) noun. 1. To silence or soften the sound of. 2. To soften the tone, colour, shade, or hue of. si·len·ci·ar Mute é uma daquelas palavras que, por nos parecer intraduzível, acabamos quase sempre por manter no original. Por pura preguiça, é verdade, mas talvez também pelo medo do seu contrário: unmute. O que raio será unmute em Português: dessilenciar? Enfim… Mute/Unmute. Deves conhecer […]

awe (ô) noun. an overwhelming feeling of respect, reverence, admiration, fear or wonder, often inspired by something majestic or extremely powerful. es·pan·to There is a quite famous quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, that reads that “there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The […]

of•ten (ˈɔ fən, ˈɒf ən; ˈɔf tən, ˈɒf-) adverb. 1. many times; frequently. 2. in many cases. fre·quen·te·men·te |qüen| How often do you pronounce the t in often? Often enough to change, perhaps. Quite often, we tell lies to ourselves. Every so often, we say we cannot, when we know we can. More often than not, we get to believe in those stories we tell. Quite […]

air (ɛər) noun. 1. The atmosphere. A colourless, odourless and tasteless gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen and oxygen that surrounds the earth. 2. An atmospheric movement; a light breeze. 3. The Can you think of a word simpler than “ar”? It feels as light and effortless as its own meaning. And it makes you want to repeat it over and over through your day, a thousand times if needed: ar… ar… ar… […]