bet·ter·ment (bĕt′ər-mənt, bɛtəmənt) noun. 1. a change for the better; the act of making better 2. progress in development; steady improvement, enhancement or amelioration 3. (property law) an improvement that adds value to (or increases the value of) a property me·lho·ri·a practice doesn’t make it perfect. Lê este artigo em Português aqui. That’s a lie. Practice makes it better. And the reason why so many people end up frustrated about language learning […]
de·clut·ter (diːˈklʌtə) verb. 1. to remove unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded place 2. to simplify or get rid of mess, disorder, complications in life, etc. des·tra·lhar maybe you should declutter too Lê este artigo em Português aqui. Every year now I choose a word – sometimes, two – […]
con·sis·ten·cy (kən-sĭs′tən-sē) noun. 1. agreement, accordance, or harmony between parts; compatibility 2. (Physics) degree of density, viscosity, or firmness 3. the state or quality of holding together and retaining shape 4. reliability or uniformity of successive results or events 5. conformity with previous attitudes, behaviour, practice, etc con·sis·tên·ci·a consistency is not constant Lê este artigo em Português aqui. Learning a language takes consistency. But it is unrealistic to think that consistency is linear, immutable… always the same. It is not. If it was, that would be […]
mis·take (mĭ-stāk′ or mɪˈsteɪk) noun. 1. an error or fault in action, opinion, or judgment 2. a misconception or misunderstanding er·ro what to do with mistakes? Lê este artigo em Português aqui. I make a lot of mistakes. Everyday. Some are big, others huge, and some are smaller. All my mistakes have made me lose […]