Teapot Club
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fear (fɪə, fɪər) noun. 1. a feeling of distress, apprehension or alarm caused by the presence or imminence of danger or pain 2. a cause of or a reason for this feeling 3. an extreme reverence or awe, as to a deity 4. concern; anxiety   verb. 1. to be afraid or frightened of 2. to be uneasy or apprehensive about 3. to consider probable; expect 4. to revere, respect or be in awe of (a deity, for example)   me·do “Fear” was one of the first words I learned in English. I remember it so […]


noth•ing•ness (nŭth′ĭng-nĭs, ˈnʌθ ɪŋ nɪs) noun. 1. the state or condition of being nothing; nonexistence 2. empty or unfilled space; lack of being 3. absence of consciousness or life 4. complete insignificance or worthlessness 5. something that is worthless or insignificant   na·da How can nothing be so much? Nothingness takes up space. It starts growing into you and then beyond you, to surround you and fill up the room that was once occupied by […]


flow (flō, fləʊ, floʊ) verb. 1. to move along or run smoothly in a stream; to circulate 2. to proceed steadily and easily 3. to exhibit a smooth or graceful continuity noun. 1. the smooth motion characteristic of fluids 2. a stream, current or flood 3. continuous movement or circulation flu·ir Doesn’t life feel like a river? A steady flow, running fluidly along a stream. Sometimes low tide, sometimes high. Sometimes the current is strong, sometimes weak. Doesn’t life […]


of•ten (ˈɔ fən, ˈɒf ən; ˈɔf tən, ˈɒf-) adverb. 1. many times; frequently. 2. in many cases.  fre·quen·te·men·te |qüen| How often do you pronounce the t in often? Often enough to change, perhaps. Quite often, we tell lies to ourselves. Every so often, we say we cannot, when we know we can. More often than not, we get to believe in those stories we tell. Quite […]

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