Teapot Club
Tudo o que precisas para a fluência num bule de chá gigante
Inscrições Abertas

Fate vs Faith

Este par de “falsos amigos” é bastante interessante! São duas palavras muito parecidas (mais na fonética do que na forma) que já protagonizaram profundas discussões filosóficas, na sua maioria associadas à religião. “There’s a huge difference between fate and faith. Faith is the belief in something, without evidence to support it. Fate, as the greeks believed it, is […]

Fake Friends or Lovers?

TEA is all about English… and affairs. It’s about English Affairs! So, we definitely love celebrating Valentine’s. But, sure, no commitments… it’s just an affair. On this February 14th, we’d like to announce our new category for the TEA blog: Fake friends or Lovers? You certainly know some words in English (and other languages) that are so […]

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