Teapot Club
Tudo o que precisas para a fluência num bule de chá gigante
Inscrições Abertas

The Lesson

As he parked his car close to Joe’s coffee shop, Phil realized he was running late for his first English class. It was the first after school learning experience and he was a nervous wreck! – Oh boy, what did I get myself into…  He could not help but wonder if his teacher would be […]

O nosso maior pecado

[Clap your hands if that happens to you as well] Aqui no TEA sentimos por vezes uma profunda preguiça de sermos sociais… nos social media. Gostamos imenso de pessoas, principalmente das nossas (os nossos affairs, os nossos teachers e todos os TEA friends). E, talvez por isso, mergulhamos de cabeça e coração no meio de tea packs, tea sessions, personal plans, personal summaries, info sheets, work sheets, e tantas outras […]

Jane and Jimmy

By Shuang Wu Jane was 28 when she met Jimmy. It was {raining cats and dogs}, Jane didn’t have an umbrella and neither did Jimmy. They started chatting about the weather, then the {cheesy} film they both had seen. Jimmy was the first {carrot top} that Jane had gone out with. He didn’t have a handsome face […]

Love is a clichê. Have an Affair.

Actually, Love is an Affair [it is overrated, some say]. This being true, then you should share your English Affair with your most beloved Valentine! Neste Fevereiro dos Namorados, convide a sua cara-metade a juntar-se a si para um “chá para dois” numa TEA session com um dos nossos professores. Como funciona? A participação da sua cara-metade é gratuita (utilizando os seus TEA vouchers de sempre), mas está sujeita […]

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