o·ver·load (ō′vər-lōd′)
transitive verb. o·ver·load·ed, o·ver·load·ing, o·ver·loads. To load too heavily.
noun. An excessive load.
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I often feel this weight. But, when I look around, I realise that I am not the only one. This persistent “overflow” has become the rule rather than the exception, to progressively settle in as our default mode. Each second we are bombarded by incredibly intense informational shots. Never before have we had so much access to learning tools and, yet, so little energy to seize them.
I don’t know how you cope with this, but in my case, it helps to have someone around who often reminds me of what is essential, for it is so easy to forget. There are people who can wrap up, in tiny mental post-its, all the complexity of the chaos surrounding us. And then they whisper it in our ears so that the sound doesn’t get lost in the clatter of the world.
Our #sussurros are exactly that. Little whispers in the ear about things that I think might be helpful to you. Because learning a language is just so much more than knowing grammar.
We are totally anti-spam, so to get a weekly #sussurro from me, just ask. Here.