White TEA Pack – Tailor-made Portuguese


Build your path to fluency in Portuguese with personalised mentoring and full attention to your needs. ~8h/month of live sessions with TEAcher

Personalised Portuguese learning tailored to each person’s needs. Individual live mentoring sessions online.

This is for you if you:

  • want to express yourself in Portuguese more freely
  • feel anxious when you have to interact in Portuguese
  • need to build confidence individually before connecting to other people
  • have really specific needs and are looking for a customised attention

Frequently Asked Questions

TEA Packs are tailor-made mentoring TEA programs. The learning process is planned according to your needs: you can choose between an individual format, a duo (with another person of a similar level) or combined format with a community. Depending on the Pack chosen, you can have more or less customisation and flexibility.
There is an online format option in every Pack but there is no in-person option in the White TEA Pack. Camomile TEA Pack allows up to 2 in-person sessions combined with online sessions. Red TEA Pack makes it possible to define an unlimited number of in-person sessions, upon a quote.
Yes. Since they are fully customisable, TEA Packs are well-suited to people of all proficiency levels, whether you are starting out with Portuguese, moving forward with some basics or just brushing up on advanced skills.
The format in White TEA Pack is individual, but Camomile TEA Pack allows combining individual and group format with participation in the TEAPOT Club. In Red TEA Pack there is the option of a duo format (with another person of similar level and goal), upon a quote.
Yes, schedules are flexible depending on student and TEAcher’s availability. The flexibility of schedules can be greater or lesser according to the chosen TEA Pack. In White TEA Pack, sessions can only be booked within the regular schedule from Monday to Friday, working hours (9am-6pm) or after-work (6pm-9pm). Camomile TEA Pack adds the possibility of choosing pre-work hours (Monday to Friday, 6am to 9am) and Saturday mornings. Red TEA Pack allows for greater flexibility, upon quotation.
Sim. Todos os temas abordados têm material de apoio relacionado, que pode ser material preparado (infosheets, worksheets, coursebooks) ou material autêntico (vídeos, áudios, artigos, etc.) curado pelo(a) TEAcher responsável pelo affair.
The payment of TEA Packs is monthly according to the chosen Pack and the duration of the mentoring (minimum 1 month).
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