Teapot Club
Tudo o que precisas para a fluência num bule de chá gigante
Inscrições Abertas


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awe (ô)

an overwhelming feeling of respect, reverence, admiration, fear or wonder, often inspired by something majestic or extremely powerful. 



There is a quite famous quote, often attributed to Albert Einstein, that reads that “there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I could simply take this as the truth. And then ask which one is your way. But there are more questionable things in this quote than merely the suspicious attribution to Einstein. One is that there are a lot more ways to live your life than only those two. The other is that if everything is a miracle then nothing is a miracle.

Instead of miracle, think of awe. Create it within you. And let it come from inside out.

Note to self: every time you forget what awe means, just pronounce it. And it will show. Awe. Ó.

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