
breathe (briːð) verb. 1. to take a pause; rest 2. to take air into the lungs and expel it; inhale and exhale; respire 3. to move or blow gently, as air 4. to speak softly; whisper 5. to live; exist ( res·pi·rar ) breath (brɛθ) noun. 1. the capacity to breathe; the act or […]

o·ver·load (ō′vər-lōd′) transitive verb. o·ver·load·ed, o·ver·load·ing, o·ver·loads. To load too heavily. noun. An excessive load. so·bre·car·ga Lê este artigo em Português aqui. I often feel this weight. But, when I look around, I realise that I am not the only one. This persistent “overflow” has become the rule rather than the exception, to […]