Teapot Club
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Teste o seu inglês TEA Pack ideal

Testa o teu Inglês



Este teste consiste em 24 questões dividas em 2 secções: Grammar & Vocabulary e Listening. Na parte Grammar & Vocabulary, lê e escolhe a opção correta. Na parte Listening, clica em play para ouvir o áudio e escolhe a opção correta.

Grammar & Vocabulary Skills

G1. When can we meet again?

G2. My aunt is going to stay with me.

G3. When do you study?

G4. Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice?

G5. Let’s have dinner now.

G6. The snow was (……) heavily when I left the house.

G7. I can’t find my keys anywhere – I (……) have left them at work.

G8. When a car pulled out in front of her, Jane did well not to (……) control of her bicycle.

G9. According to Richard’s (……) the train leaves at 7 o’clock.

G10. When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people’s (……) of life.

G11. The builders are (……) good progress with the new house.

G12. She is now taking a more positive (……) to her studies and should do well.

G13. My father (……) his new car for two weeks now.

G14. What differences are there (……) the English spoken in the UK and the English spoken in the US?

G15. At 6 p.m. I started to get angry with him because he was late (……).

G16. (……) you get your father’s permission, I’ll take you skiing next weekend.

G17. A local company has agreed to (……) the school team with football shirts.

G18. I really enjoy stories that are (……) in the distant future.

Listening Skills

Click Play to listen to the file and answer the following question.

L19. What do the woman’s children do all the time?

Click Play to listen to the file and answer the following question.

L20. What is the news headline about?

Click Play to listen to the file and answer the following question.

L21. What is the man doing?

Click Play to listen to the file and answer the following question.

L22. What is the man mainly talking about?

Click Play to listen to the file and answer the following question.

L23. In what sector does Peter Wallis work?

Click Play to listen to the file and answer the following question.

L24. What was Alex Rayner’s crime?


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