

res·sig·ni·fi·car (re- + significar)

1. dar um outro ou um novo significado a algo


How to resignify a word?

It has been 6 months, but it feels like yesterday. It’s been 6 months, but it feels like 3 years. Our experiences influence the meaning of words and words influence the meaning of our experiences. Confusing? It is simpler than it seems. It’s about “resignifying”.

On March 12th, we had a scheduled event: our first ME(TEA)ING. The concept had been fully thought out, for months: a moment of laid-back networking with affairs, teachers and friends, all mixed with nice conversations and sips & bites, to practice the language in a lighthearted way, after work.

Everything was set. March 12th would be a very special day. It would, but the 11th came first and made the word “pandemic” official. After much debate within the team, with more doubts than certainties, a heavy heart but a clear conscience, we decided to postpone. No date set.

Yet, the world has changed.

The world changed and started to work from home. Never before has the word meeting been so used and so… hated. It is as if, in some way, we could see it coming: the word that, by sheer teasing, was meant to be a wordplay, is now the word we need to “resignify”.

Do it too.

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